Film Review: Super (2010)

By Daniel Good Arriving in the same year as Kick-Ass was always going to be a bit of a problem for James Gunn’s superhero spoof Super. With a vastly inferior budget it wasn’t going to be able to avoid being compared to the film which grossed $95 million more at the box office and it … Continue reading

Encounters at the End of the World (2008) Review

By Daniel Good As Werner Herzog informs us in his opening sequence, this is no ordinary film about Antarctica. Whilst this film seeks to show us the beauty of the continent alongside the incredible research that is undertaken there, Herzog’s focus lies firmly within his human subjects. It becomes apparent that although people move to … Continue reading

Film Review: The Dark Knight Rises

By Daniel Good The phenomenal success (both critically and commercially) of The Dark Knight was always going to be something of a burden for its follow up. The former set a benchmark in the superhero genre and as the most anticipated film of 2012 there was an awful lot of expectation, the stakes were higher … Continue reading